Helpful Identification Guides

Here are some guides I've found useful. Most are journal posts people have written on iNat, some are from external sites. If any of the links don't work, please let me know! My HTML skills are very rudimentary!

*Agalinis: Identifying Agalinis spp. (False Foxgloves) in Texas @pfau_tarleton
* Anemones: Guide to ID @pfau_tarleton
* Assassin Bugs ( Zelus spp.) @pfau_tarleton
* Brambles: Dewberries and Blackberries ( Rubus species of Texas) @kimberlietx
* Bumblebees @pfau_tarletonr
* Crotons @nathantaylor
* Dandelions @nathantaylor
* Draba and related genera @pfau_tarleton
* Elms: American vs. Slippery @lisa281
* Elms: Cedar vs. Winged @lisa281
*Elms: Chinese vs. Siberian @lisa281
* Elm spring samaras: American, Slippery, and Winged Elm @lisa281
* Erigeron (Fleabane and Horseweed) @lisa281
* Frogfruits (Phyla) @lisa281
* Galls: Texas Woolly Oak Galls @kimberlietx
* Gophers vs moles (signs) @pfau_tarleton
* Leaves: Glossary of Leaves @kimberlietx
* Medicago (Medicks) @nathantaylor
* Mosses: Identifying Goblet Mosses @rmedina
* Moth Wing Features @mamestraconfigurata
* Mushrooms: Simplified Key to Major Groups of Mushrooms Michael Kuo @ MushroomExpert.Com
* Mushrooms: Photographing for better ID Billy Stone, BRIT
* Packera and Senecio (Groundsels) @lisa281
* Privets ( Ligustrum spp.) @lisa281
* Sesbania (Riverhemps)</ @lisa281
* Soapberry vs. Pistache @baldeagle
* Solidago (Goldenrods) @bouteloua
* Spurges of the DFW area @nathantaylor
* Sumac (Rhus spp.) YouTube video @conboy
* Tetrigidae Pygmy Grasshoppers @aispinsects
* Thistles: Identifying Texas Thistles Katie Stern at Perennial Ecology
* Three-Banded LeafhoppersErythroneura spp. @kimberlietx
* Tick Identification TickEncounter Resource Center
* Trees: Identify sometimes difficult trees @lanechaffin
Posted on Μάρτιος 17, 2020 0309 ΜΜ by lisa281 lisa281


The URLs aren't included in the tags for my Sapindus vs. Pistacia and @kimberlietx's Glossary of Leaves. Mine has a couple of character codes entered as the href attribute; hers has no href attribute at all.

Αναρτήθηκε από baldeagle πάνω από 4 χρόνια πριν

Thanks @baldeagle - I think I got those fixed.

Αναρτήθηκε από lisa281 πάνω από 4 χρόνια πριν

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