Wasatch Hollow Nature Preserve and Open Space – Journal - January 25, 2020

Wasatch Hollow Nature Preserve and Open Space – Journal
January 25, 2020

The sunrise is at 7:43 am and the sun at noon will be at 31 degrees altitude (climbing higher in the sky – in the south 180 degree) and the sun will set at 5:37 pm. The nature area is looking at about 09:53:13 in total daylight – I can sense the shift already in terms of an earlier sunrise and later sunset.

The temperature in the Open Space was an incredibly “warm” 48 degrees and the sun came out in the afternoon – after a long morning of dense fog.

With the sun out, I could sense that the birds would be out as well. I was able to observe American Robins and Cedar Waxwings in the Hawthorne trees eating the “leftover” berries – on the walk to the nature preserve.

In the Nature Preserve and Open Space the Chickadees and Juncos were out in full force. I observed one Fox Squirrel. And the highlight of the day was to observe three Red-Tailed Hawks circling high above the open space taking advantage of the warmer winds from the south – and I imagined they were riding thermals up and up – and then eventually heading over to the Red Butte garden area along the bench area there 0f the Wasatch Mountains.

The trail was muddy and the snow melt created a messy walk in the open space.

Again, many dog tracks in the protected area indicating that people are still walking their dogs in the protected space.

I look forward to longer days and the spring weather to help increase plant and animal observations for the iNaturalist and the Open Space inventory of species.

Posted on Ιανουάριος 26, 2020 0235 ΜΜ by scottdwright scottdwright


Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι


Αμερικανική Τσίχλα (Turdus migratorius)




Ιανουάριος 25, 2020 01:46 ΜΜ MST

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι


Αλεπωσκίουρος (Sciurus niger)




Ιανουάριος 25, 2020 02:09 ΜΜ MST

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι


Καναδέζικη Βομβυκίλλα (Bombycilla cedrorum)




Ιανουάριος 25, 2020 02:36 ΜΜ MST


a lot going on in one tree full of Hawthorn berries; in addition to Robins...these are Cedar (not Bohemian - no white markings on wings), and pale underwings - triangular, black face mask. They were mixed in with Robins - hopefully the crest on head indicates the Genus - species

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι


Αμερικανική Γερακίνα (Buteo jamaicensis)




Ιανουάριος 25, 2020 02:04 ΜΜ MST


this afternoon got to see three (3) Red-Tailed Hawks doing the circular flying together ...the third one joins in - in the last set of images; today was 47 degrees along the benches of the mountains - riding the warmer air from south - up and up - {Wasatch Mountains}


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