January 4-5, 2020 _ Wasatch Hollow Nature Preserve and Open Space

January 4-5 – Wasatch Hollow Nature Preserve and Open Space

Sunrise at 7:51 am and Sunset at 5:14 pm
In effect, the area had gained 1 minute (net) of daylight since the Solstice.
By next weekend, the nature preserve will begin to a net gain of daylight with a more rapid increase in daylight minutes…The sun is at a meridian altitude (noon) of 27 degrees, slowly climbing from the low arc of the Solstice.

Saturday, January 4 was a cold day but the sun was out, and did observe a Cooper’s Hawk (see images) and again, I was told and have read that the Cooper’s Hawk migrates “south”, but here was Hawk in the nature preserve – and I was able to see it again on Sunday January 5…a much colder day – gray and gloomy. I also observed a Fox Squirrel and a Northern Flicker.

Sunday was the first time (on the walk) that I did not see any birds moving about in the open space, and I think it was the cold day (plus exceptionally damp) and the sun was behind clouds the whole day {in comparison when the sun came out on Monday January 6 – it felt like an early Spring day, and I observed over 20 American Robins flying about in the trees.

Posted on Ιανουάριος 06, 2020 0818 ΜΜ by scottdwright scottdwright


Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Ιανουάριος 4, 2020 02:56 ΜΜ MST


you will see a series of photos here of a Cooper's Hawk - dive from a limb in a aerodynamic display of torquing itself in mid-air and then gone in a flash; I was able to walk up - and sense the Cooper's Hawk was ready to roll...and it turned on the limb about 45 degrees, then dropped like a rock - down- and then away through the trees.

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι


Αλεπωσκίουρος (Sciurus niger)




Ιανουάριος 4, 2020 03:03 ΜΜ MST

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι


Χρυσός Δρυοκολάπτης (Colaptes auratus)




Ιανουάριος 4, 2020 03:06 ΜΜ MST


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