Kikuyu margin management

A number of observations have been made specific to the management of the kikuyu invasion of the forest and planting margins generally in Eskdale Reserve's Upper Forest margin, and documenting the management of these margins in Gahnia Grove.

For clarity and detailed ongoing monitoring, these have been divided into (in order of development over time - ie CHF Bank and Flame Tree Bank were only cleared of honeysuckle in November) the mown kikuyu margins of (from South to North) :

The Annexe

The Apron

The Arena

CHF Bank
Flame Tree Bank

Also being hand-weeded and included in the cordoned area for suspension of edging services is the Annexe canopy/Top Clearing margin of mixed exotic grasses incl. kikuyu:

Explanation of the method specific to kikuyu control,with some observations from all the above areas of kikuyu margin, is at "Kikuyu Edge in Transition to Native Ground Cover"

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 07, 2019 0710 ΠΜ by kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


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