Considerations in the control of Kikuyu grass

Thoughts on kikuyu control ....your comments either here, by pm or by email are appreciated.

from Global Invasive Species Database

Kikuyu grass
.... also produces allelopathic chemicals that kill other plant species in its vicinity (Sanchez & Davis, 1969 in PIER, 2003).
....."This species is tetraploid and spreads by underground runners (rhizomes) and stolons at the periphery of the main clonal patch (Haubensak & Smyth, 1999)."

We have looked up "clonal reproduction" but remain unsure of its meaning in this context.

We have in the past observed apparently vertical underground rhizomes of unknown depth and length, up to c8mm diameter in clay, some distance from stolons or foliage. Kikuyu has been reported to travel under a concrete driveway to proliferate on the other side. It would be useful to know how deep and far rhizomes can travel underground before emerging.

From "Pastures australia, A collaboration between AWI, GRDC, MLA, RIRDC and Dairy Australia: Fact Sheet Index"

"..... Under regular grazing or cutting it forms a dense turf, but otherwise can grow to about 30 or 40 cm deep. It has a deep root system (to >3 m).

Does the above source suggest that unmown kikuyu grows deeper?

Where such rhizomes emerge singly, ie in an area from which rhizomes and stolons have been significantly ereduced by pullback with rotting, it may be advisable to let new growth from a single rhizome proceed, while preventing the stolons remain flat and horizontal - ie to turn them back and keep the emerging foliage piled on top of the rhizome top rot it. We do not yet have such a rhizome on which to try this, but I am sure one will emerge before long.

Posted on Ιούλιος 28, 2018 1001 ΠΜ by kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


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