NYBG EcoFlora Update, July 25, 2018

We will soon surpass 3,000 observations of Tree of Heaven— the most EcoQuest observations yet.
@spritelink (Janet) has observed more Tree of Heaven than many have observations! Click the 834 next to her name spritelink to see her amazing effort.

Tree of Heaven look alikes in NYC are Sumac species (Rhus) and Black Walnut (Juglans nigra). In both the Black Walnut and the Sumacs, the leaflets are sessile or not stalked (vs stalked in Tree of Heaven) and the margins are serrate from base to tip (vs smooth except a few teeth or lobes near the base). Silhouetted against the sky, the Tree of Heaven leaflet stalks (petiolules) should be visible. If you can get close enough, you will see also that the Tree of Heaven always has small glands on the leaf margins. It also has a rank odor, vs no odor in Sumacs and Spicy odor in Walnuts.

On August 3, 2018, The New York Botanical Garden will hold the First Annual New York City EcoFlora Conference. This event will be an update on the progress of the first year of NYC EcoFlora Project, and a celebration of the many citizen scientists who have made original observations of Nature in New York City. RSVP here.

Posted on Ιούλιος 25, 2018 0811 ΜΜ by danielatha danielatha


I wonder what the EcoQuest will be for the month of August? Do we know yet?

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