Improving my home "studio" setup

I love taking pictures of Damselflies out in the wild. My set up with is made up of an Olympus OMD em 10 Markii, Nissin i40 flash. I take all my shots handheld, rarely do I use the Raynox DCR 250 diopter when I'm out in the field for dragonflies, I tend to use if more when I'm taking pictures of specimens at home. At home I have a continuous light and sometimes I use one or two Zomei ZM430 external flashes to kill some unwanted shadows. The single most challenging thing about using a Raynox DCR 250 hand held is that it is sometimes hard to focus because of the depth of field. At home I tend to use a tripod and finally pulled the trigger on buying me a macro rail. I'm eagerly awaiting for my microscope to arrive so I can spend more time adapting an old donated camera to be used with my cheap Celestron microscope. I have spend most of last week working and the weekend as well, I've got a flu and it is that time of the year to de-worm. All the wells are dried up, the water is foul. Life...I'm taking a couple of days off from Oe-Cusse to visit my family and do the usual medical checkups, next week I'll be "odonating" again and hopefully taking better "studio" pictures to upload.

Posted on Ιούλιος 25, 2018 0138 ΜΜ by ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


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