Trail camera results 1st month

LOCATION: Northeast corner of property at 65, behind neighbor’s garage
RESULTS: California Scrub Jay, Steller’s Jay, Eastern Gray Squirrel, Black-tailed Deer, Human, Domestic Cat. Setting on camera 1 sec. recovery.

FEBRUARY 21, 2018
LOCATION: Southwest fence-line, attached to post aimed into neighbor’s yard. Bread Crumbs
RESULTS: Domestic Cat, Black-tailed Deer, Eastern Gray Squirrel, American Robin, Striped Skunk. Reset recovery to 5 minutes. Had over 450 pictures from the short time in that position. Will return to same placement and leave till end of month. No ‘salting’.

MARCH 2, 2018
LOCATION: Southwest fence-line, attached to post aimed into neighbor’s yard.
RESULTS: Black-tailed Deer (57 picts), Striped Skunk (2), Eastern Gray Squirrel (13). None Visible and deleted 34. Also deleted several EGS and B-tD

MARCH 11, 2018
LOCATION: Northwest corner post of fence, attached to post aimed into neighbor’s yard.

37º23’.37”N 122º12’12.51”W
RESULTS: 129 photos taken after removing four images caused by me. Black-tailed Deer: 13 images; Eastern Gray Squirrel: 81 images; Dusky-footed Woodrat: 11 images; American Robin: 8 images; Unknown blur: 1 image; None Visible: 15 images. Will plan to leave camera at this location until April 1st before moving to new location. (In the middle of the night I got to thinking that the woodcut might possibly be a California Mouse. I checked the size in the photos and am convinced, for the most part that the images are of woodrats)

Posted on Μάρτιος 12, 2018 0814 ΜΜ by bob-dodge bob-dodge


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