Species Interactions

  1. I spotted a bird hovering near a flower and reaching into the flower with its thin, long beak. It was hovering near the flower for a while. I wasn't able to snap a picture of it in action however, so a picture of the bird sitting on the branch (facing the flower) had to suffice. I assumed it was a hummingbird as it appeared to be eating the flower's nectar plus it had such a thin long beak. It is a bit larger than what I expected hummingbirds to be though, so I'm not too sure if it is truly a hummingbird/was eating the flower's nectar. Since spring is coming and flowers are blooming, sightings of hummingbirds eating from flowers will probably be more common.
  2. I found a honey bee pollinating a bright purple flower. It was hovering around the flower and from time to time, would fly in among the stigma/pistil of the flower and collecting nectar. I managed to get this shot during one of the moments when it flew into the flower and stayed there for a brief moment. Since spring is coming, most of the flowering plants are blooming and pollination is probably picking up pace.
  3. I saw a fox squirrel eating an acorn while perched atop a rock. It was nibbling at the acorn in quick, deft movements, and seemed rather intent/focused on it. I thought it was rather human-like the way it held the acorn between its two front paws to eat. It probably obtained the acorn from one of the oaks around the area.
Posted on Μάρτιος 01, 2013 0256 ΠΜ by liyingtan liyingtan


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