NYBG EcoQuest October 2017 - Week One


October 1–7
Twelve observers have made sixty-six Ash tree, three lichen, two insect and one mushroom observation so far. After the recent rains we hope to see more fungal observations. Lichens are welcome also. Be especially alert for the Ash Bolete mushroom (Boletinellus merulioides), which is part of a fascinating triad of symbionts. The Ash-tree Aphid (Meliarhizophagus fraxinifolii) feeds on roots of the Ash tree and shelters inside the mycelium (sclerotia) of the fungus that receives nutrients not from the tree, but from the Aphid.

Observations: 74
Places: Bronx, 45; Manhattan, 13; Staten Island, 11; Brooklyn, 4; Queens, 2.
Observers: @elizajsyh, 15; @donrecklies, 14; @plnthunter22, 12; @brookebe, 9; @danielatha, 9.

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Posted on Οκτώβριος 09, 2017 0804 ΜΜ by danielatha danielatha


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