Νοέμβριος 08, 2022

Useful/Interesting Links

Learning Tools
10 Question Taxa Challenge
Learn the Land Allow browser to know your location
iNat Monthly Bingo Provides a taxa to look for in the current month
Easily Missed Species Tool - lists species found nearby that haven’t been observed in a local spot, ie list of species that could be observed to confirm presence in this particular location.

iNaturalist Year in Review

Observer Stats

Identifier Stats

iNat Tips
How to use URLs
Observation Fields List

Useful URL elements
Teton County, WY: place_id=1784
Park County, WY: place_id=1914
Wyoming: place_id=15
Greater Yellowstone Area (Zone) = 120717
Identified by: ident_user_id=whitneybrook
Project Flora of the Yellowstone Ecosystem: project_id=flora-of-the-yellowstone-ecosystem


Area Specific
Newest Species IDed in Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Posted on Νοέμβριος 08, 2022 0418 ΠΜ by whitneybrook whitneybrook | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 08, 2022

Identification Workflows

Frequent identification searches and comments.


Plant Identification Notes and frequent comments
Search Yellowstone Ecosystem Plants with Coarse ID without mosses
Search All Yellowstone Ecosystem Needs ID Plants
Search Wyoming Plants with coarse ID without mosses
Review first ID plant taxa - Some cool finds, miss identifications, ornamentals not marked casual, observations where recruiting experts can help.
Global Unknown Pinaceae


My process for reviewing unknown is in this journal post.
All Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho Unknowns
Yellowstone Ecosystem Unknowns
Wyoming Unknowns
Montana Unknowns
Idaho Unknowns
Washington Unknowns
Unknowns by new accounts in the US
Phylogenetic Projects for Unknowns

Frequent Comment Scripts
I based my common comments on iNat Frequently Used Responses. I use short cuts via the apple text replacement feature on my iPad. Settings>General>Keyboard>Text replacement


Process for reviewing missing observation dates. I ended up reviewing all casuals so it would be easier to monitor new missing dates and found that the vast majority of observations in casual probably belong there, but there are mistakes. Main causes: data that people expected to upload from metadata didn’t import and accidental/incorrect DQA votes.

Consider checking your casual observations. Replace “whitneybrook” with your user name in this URL: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?reviewed=any&quality_grade=casual&order_by=observed_on&photos=true&user_id=whitneybrook

Annotation Projects

  • Unreviewed plant pests and disease causing organisms: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?project_id=212641
  • Whitebark Pine Project: When uploading observations of whitebark pine please add the following Observation Fields:
    -- Needles/fascicle (integer, enter the number of needles per fascicle)
    -- cones shown? (text, are there cones or cone fragments shown in the photos? Enter yes, no, possibly)
    -- Pest/disease (text, Is there evidence of pests or disease affecting the whitebark pine under observation? If no then enter "none"; if you aren't sure enter "unknown", and if yes then enter the common name of the pest or disease, e.g., mountain pine beetle).

Uh Oh! Search for IDs I did that might be wrong
By Scientific Name (replace name): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?ident_user_id=whitneybrook&place_id=any&taxon_name=Pinaceae
By Taxa ID number (replace number): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?ident_user_id=whitneybrook&place_id=any&taxon_id=50829 (Waiting to confirm I know what I’m doing for correcting Viola IDs)

Posted on Οκτώβριος 08, 2022 0417 ΜΜ by whitneybrook whitneybrook | 2σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
