Αρχεία Ημερολογίου για Σεπτέμβριος 2019

Σεπτέμβριος 05, 2019

Good Water Nature Trackers

Well thankfully August is finally over and somehow we had a lot of fun during those hot days! I'm very much looking forward to September and the beginning of somewhat cooler weather. This month we saw some more River Otter and we found trace evidence of our target species. The scat from the latrine log looked like it was from last season or at least pretty old. Dr. Russell Pfau of Tarleton State University has agreed to test for DNA if we can find some fresher samples. We also have seen a lot of Bobcat observations in the south area this past month.

We had a camera that was not performing as it should for some reason and after tinkering with the manual it seemed fine. I was going to test it in my backyard but, decided to find a familiar place for a short test. A two night stay yielded several dozen images including Ringtail, and a Gray Fox with prey in it's mouth. The camera is now back in service.

Five of the cameras are going to be moving to a new location that is partly Williamson, Co. and part Bell, Co. This has been the plan all along and I've been somewhat spoiled with ten cameras for the last month. It allowed us to really spread out and try to get a better understanding of the area.

With all the predator activity we have seen we are going to move some cameras to an area that we feel the rabbits feel safer in right now. That place, is a place the predators do not really want to be, unless they are starving in my opinion. Now that I haven't really said anything, here's a look at some observations. Thanks to Kathy, Keri, Lori, April, and Bob for the uploading shared duty! Thanks to Jim, Diane, Trish, Randy, and the previous mentioned folks for helping out with the card swaps and for putting up with Kathy and I constantly moving cameras to new locations.

Have a great week!


Posted on Σεπτέμβριος 05, 2019 0117 ΠΜ by mikef451 mikef451 | 11 παρατηρήσεις | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο