Measurements for many characteristics of this plant are reported here:
Plant Species of San Jacinto Mountain: Carex senta Measurements, and Comparison to C. schottii
This is plant #3. There is only a small patch of Carex senta here, with sharp demarcations between this patch and its neighbors. This area used to be much wetter 25 years ago. It dried considerably in the drought years of 2001 and following.
This is the driest general area in which I remember seeing Carex senta, except at the edges of meadows.
The first two photos were taken by Patrick Drew.
Measurements for many characteristics of this plant are reported here:
Plant Species of San Jacinto Mountain: Carex senta Measurements, and Comparison to C. schottii
This is plant #4.
This plant is growing at the extreme dry edge of Skunk Cabbage Meadow. The last six photographs are pano shots showing the area of this plant, next to a very dry area, panning left to show the lower part of Skunk Cabbage Meadow in the last pix.
The first two photos were taken by Patrick Drew.