Arnold Road
Arnold Road
Arnold Road
Looks like a bee, particularly head shape and mandibles, though I could be wrong. Flight is what I'd call "fly-like" rather than "bee-like" for whatever that's worth--as it approaches this wood slab table, it makes left-to-right movements of several inches at a time while progressing forward very slowly. It is fond of this table, and seems to be looking for something in particular when approaching it. The table has preexisting hollow cavities in it. These photos are taken of the insect in a cavity, but I don't know if the insect created this one. It looks to have sizeable mandibles relative to the size of its head. It looked like it was pulling something light in color out of the cavity using those mandibles--maybe wood?--but hard to see. It's under an inch in length.
A bit over 1 mm long. Ventral view; see also this observation and this one.
Small wasp, body about 1 mm in length; found in samples of Euphorbia polycarpa tubular galls, but not known if it's associated with the galls.
See also this observation.
Small insect, not much more than a millimeter. Very active. Short discussion here.
Small insect, not much more than a millimeter. Very active. Short discussion here.