Growing mixed deciduous, from soil.
Spores inamyloid, smooth 5-sided, subglobose Q=1.2, cylindrical basidia, pileipellis ixocutis.
DNA - ITS - Nanopore "sp-NY02"
In well-drained mossy area under hemlock.
Discovered by Seamus Casey.
Growing in leaf litter and soil among soil and other unicorn entoloma at edge of hardwood forest.
Growing in soil and leaf litter next to beech at edge of mixed forest.
Growing in soil among grass and leaves at edge of mixed forest.
Growing in soil and leaves under beech at edge of mixed forest. Viscid but not sticky or slippery. Cap dried dark orange. White spore print. Spores look yellow under low magnification. Smooth oblong spores with “wart”