Leaves scabrous-puberulent with few scattered longer spreading hairs; anthers yellow; involucre 3-4 mm; rays 2-3 mm.
On berm between seasonal wetland ponds. Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California, elev. 15 ft.
Centromadia parryi (https://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/eflora/eflora_display.php?tid=77574) — not C. fitchii, because (1) no gland-tipped hairs on leaves and bracts, (2) pappus bristles on disc achenes are 3 rather than 5–8, and (3) no long leaves below the flower heads as is common in C. fitchii.
Edge of seasonally flooded wetland, Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, Yolo County, California, elev. ~15 ft.
Staminate flowers only near the stem tips. Plants abundant all around here and mixed with fruticulosa.
I think, in a shallow vernal pool clay hardpan.
I think this may be Heliotropium europaeum, but I'm not positive.