Το Ημερολόγιο του Wild Plants of Texas - NPSOT Challenge BioBlitz 2020

Οκτώβριος 26, 2020

Observation period ended -- time for uploads and ID's, ID's, ID's! :)

Incredible success!

Take a look at these numbers so far:
Around 15k observations of around 1900 species from almost 2000 observers! Wonderful! You still have time to upload observations made during last week though. And of course, we still need some ID's or verifications, if you're able to.

Compare with last years:
12k observations of 1600 species from around 1700 observers.

Stay tuned for some more reports of the success of this project!

Great job, all!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 26, 2020 0320 ΜΜ by sambiology sambiology | 5σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 21, 2020

Identifications needed! :)

Some great observations coming in for this NPSOT bioblitz! That's great!

Some of these observations could also use some guidance on the ID's. Or, you could add in any comments on observations -- welcoming folks to iNat, or providing some hints on how to get the important angles for identifications. Everything is helpful!

Here are the shortcut links:
Observations still needing ID's or verification:

Observations that need IDs but may also have verifications:

You can also filter these results by county -- so if you just wanted to ID plants from Bexar County, here you go:
Or maybe Travis County:
Or Dallas County!

If you want to learn a little more about the details of how ID's work on iNat, here is that info:

Anything helps! :)

Posted on Οκτώβριος 21, 2020 1140 ΜΜ by sambiology sambiology | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 16, 2020

"Rules" for the bioblitz! Observe plants! :)

The NPSOT BioBlitz is coming up! I hope you're excited to do some botanizing this upcoming week!

For this project, it's quite simple: go out and observe some plants! You don't have to do any other steps -- this project automatically grabs all observations of plants made in Texas. Now, ideally, we want the wild plants -- so the cultivated plants aren't quite as informative.

Native plants are wonderful, and we're hoping to see the most observations of native plants, but this project accepts ALL plants documented in Texas. It's important to document the non-natives as well.

Observations have to be made between October 18 and 24, but they can be uploaded later on.

One of the most important tasks is curating the data -- so if you're able and willing to add some ID's of the observations, that's incredibly helpful! Here's the link to ID'ing plants documented in Texas that still need ID's:

You can also double check the observations that have already been verified -- extra verifications are helpful!

Have some fun botanizing this week!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 16, 2020 0320 ΠΜ by sambiology sambiology | 1 σχόλιο | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
