Thursday 5/20/2021 - north section

Thursday 9:00-11:30 am: 4 dead newts, no live newt!
Weather - Cold
I documented a total of 4 new dead newts, all very dry. I was surprised to see them.

Other roadkills: dipterans, centipede, walking stick. bee.
Coverage: from the parking lot to the second stop sign.
Traffic: 11 trucks, 27 cars, 2 motorcycles, 11 bikes, 15 pedestrians, and 34 cars parked by the road and in the parking lots (3 cars at the far lot). 3 of the cars were PG&E, parked at the far lot, and a Midpen pickup.
2 friendly guys asked me how the newts were doing. One of them told me he went hiking a week ago at Butano state park and saw many newts there!
A link to all my newt observations of the day -

Posted on Μάιος 21, 2021 0510 ΠΜ by merav merav


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