April 23 - north side

Uploaded the newts at the time but forgot to make a journal post!

Fri 23 April, 6:25-7:45am
38 dead newts, no juveniles or live newts

Weather: 44f rising to 51f start to finish. Still dry.
Traffic: 9 parked, 28 moving vehicles, 1 bicycle, 2 joggers
Other roadkill: 1 tree frog, 1 alligator lizard, 1 large millipede

My newts for the day: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?on=2021-04-23&place_id=any&subview=map&taxon_id=27816&user_id=sea-kangaroo&verifiable=any

Posted on Μάιος 05, 2021 0708 ΠΜ by sea-kangaroo sea-kangaroo


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