Nature Walk, February 16, 2022

On Wednesday, February 16, we walked from campus to Oakland Lake. This was the first time we had all been outside together and I was glad to take off my mask and get to talk to you. In the comments section below, please share your thoughts about our Nature Walk. Did you take pictures? Did you use the iNaturalist app? If so, what did you identify? What did you see? Hear? Smell? Did anything surprise you? You don't have to answer all of these questions. You can even write a poem in response. Thank you for sharing!

--Prof. Lago

Posted on Φεβρουάριος 23, 2022 0429 ΜΜ by proflago proflago


Yes I have took some amazing photos during the nature walk and it was pretty. No on that day I did not have the I Naturalist app on my phone because my WIFI was very low on that day. I identify as a nature person who loves to see lovely birds and beautiful trees in the park. I see trees, goose, Ducks, Swaan, and seagulls at the park pond. I hear the birds making their sounds that is so calming and lovely to hear. I smell the breeze of the water and the smell of the nature with breeze. Yes there is something that surprise me was that the nature walk adventure really make me feel inspired to do more of these fun trips.

Αναρτήθηκε από francis2333 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

To start off, the walk was very fun especially in the nature as a group actually admiring everything around us, I has a tough time using the naturalist app because my phone kept crashing but i did see some cute ducks shoving there beaks in the water and some turtles but not much! i love turtles! The lake or pond (I'm not even sure what to call it) was very big and gave me anxiety because i am not a Pond, Lake, or ocean person. I smelled a lot of soil and like the pond scent if you know what i mean. What surprised me was that there was staircases that i did not even know about until Ms. Lago showed us where it leads! Clearly leads to some teens smoking weed up there but hey this is nature! Hahaha.

Αναρτήθηκε από selenazeb786 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

While I was on my nature walk, I took a few pictures and posted them on the iNaturalist app. I observed ducks, swans, trees, plants, geese, etc. I enjoyed what I saw because it reminded me of the sounds of the beach back at home, calm and peaceful. Something that did surprise me was the staircase that led to Northern Blvd and it had me question what people do up there. Overall, the walk was good and I would love to do it again sometime when the weather is nicer and the trees grow their leaves.

Αναρτήθηκε από anneliesed19 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

I really enjoyed the nature walk and even a good conversation with someone. I took pictures of swans and ducks who were adorable and even submitted them to iNaturalist and one of the pictures was included in a project. I saw nature all around me at Oakland lake. I think that day I heard birds chirping which is always beautiful by the way. I even found out about the swans' nature name which feels unique "Genus Cygnus". I actually like the sound of that. Honestly, I was confused about the whole nature walk at first. Didn't really know we would go see nature at the park. I really liked it. To take a walk in nature is always bliss.

Αναρτήθηκε από jennifer2944 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

I did take pictures with the iNaturalist app. I took pictures of the swan and the ducks. I think the app recommended me to the wrong species for the swan and ducks. I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed the walk since I don't usually like walking, especially in cold weather. I think I would enjoy it even more in the spring when the plants are grown out and when there are more animals.

Αναρτήθηκε από yiqing1 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

It felt really nice to take a walk around the lake ,it felt good to feel the breeze in your face and hear the wind blowing in your ear and hair. I indeed did take some beautiful pictures of the ducks in the water ,the trail we were on , the sky, and the trees. i diid not end up using the inaturalist app because it was giving me some difficult time to open it up but i wish i did end up using it because it would have been nice to know what kind of stuff was around me like names and etc. i saw a lot of people jogging ,walking, talking. i saw ducks and trees and i actually saw a guy with a cool camera set up taking pictures of the lake . i did have a little anxiety because i usually don't walk on trails ;like that but felt good because i was not by myself but with a group. something that did suprise me was that there were stairs never seen that before in other lakes iv'e seen like in parks and stuff .

Αναρτήθηκε από jess011 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

I wasn't here the day we took a walk to Oakland lake, but I took a walk around my neighborhood in Brooklyn. My favorite area to walk is a little area called Ocean Parkway, it has a nice walking/bike road and a road for cars to walk by. I feel so at home here and feel like I can walk for days upon days. There is a plethora of trees here and each one has something unique about it, whether it be leaf color or how big they are. I definitely like to take time and just enjoy the beauty around me, especially on a sunny warm afternoon such as today. My favorite tree is this one large one with dark red leaves, and berries tend of fall from it from time to time. I took pictures and will be posting my walk with the app.

Αναρτήθηκε από mohammad728 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

I took a few pictures of the ducks and swans on our visit to Oakland lake. I didn't have the iNaturalist app downloaded so I wasn't able to use it. I saw people enjoying their time walking around the lap of the park while listening to the birds. The smell was fresh air that was very appreciated after a day stuck inside the school. One thing that surprised me was that I saw an older man with an expensive looking bulky camera with a tripod taking wildlife photos.

Αναρτήθηκε από nazeef_24 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

While we were walking around the park I noticed a lot of beautiful aspects even though it would have been more prettier in the spring it still had a nice and comfortable environment. With all the wildlife, natural environment, and all the people visiting and enjoying themselves it was truly a great place to visit. Even though I didn't take as many as I should've I was more interested in looking around and taking in the fresh air and calm atmosphere with everything around me. I would honestly go on walks or just sit down and enjoy the day more at that park since its something I don't really get to do where I live. Even though the park was amazing in the winter I can't even imagine what it might look like in the spring, and I honestly can't wait.

Αναρτήθηκε από connor390 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

I will say on that day at Oakland Lake I saw there was a lot of people who was walking around. There also people who was casually jogging around the park. We all saw the birds that was flying and some was hanging out. It was a fun experience for me especially the birds. It was fun and a wonderful experience for me when I saw the animal who was just having fun. I also took a lot of pictures that cute and amazing to watch. Anyway it was the best experience ever for me to really have the best moment where we all get to walk around the park to see the trees and experience nature. So another thing was the fact where the environment was good and very interesting to enjoy. The view was great for me, because I never though of nature to have such normal time. Also the breeze from the lake bring me the deep fresh breeze produced from the water and bird wing flapping to enhance it well.

Αναρτήθηκε από francis2333 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

I thoroughly enjoyed the walk. I've driven by the Lake a few times but was never curious enough to stop and look. To be completely honest, I didn't find the park to be anything special in and of itself. Amorphous ponds and lakes with a path to walk around them can be found in high frequency. What I enjoyed about the park was seeing what type of people it drew, the activities said people were doing there, the surrounding neighborhood, and the availability for access. These things I feel are crucial aspects to the "personality" of the park and I liked what I saw.

Αναρτήθηκε από anthony1189 πάνω από 2 χρόνια πριν

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