December EcoQuest

Pursue Parthenocissus

Clockwise from top left: Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper); P. tricuspidata (Japanese Ivy); tendrils with adhesive pads found in Virginia Creeper and Japanese Ivy; P. inserta (Thicket Creeper).

Parthenocissus is a genus of tendrillate vines in the grape family, with three species found in New York City. Among them are the native, five-leaved Virginia Creeper (P. quinquefolia) and the introduced, trifoliate Japanese Ivy or Boston Ivy (P. tricuspidata), both capable of climbing smooth surfaces thanks to adhesive pads on their tendrils. The third species, Thicket Creeper (P. inserta), is less commonly observed, possibly due to misidentification as P. quinquefolia. Can you spot all three species this month?

Posted on Δεκέμβριος 04, 2023 0234 ΜΜ by glyptostrob0ides glyptostrob0ides


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