July Summary

The first month of this long project has come to a close. It's been a slow year but hopefully we can pick up the pace. Here's the stats for the month of July:

Top 5 Species
Red-tailed Hawk -- 41 obs
Osprey -- 22 obs
Swainson's Hawk -- 16 obs
American Kestrel -- 15 obs
Turkey Vulture -- 14 obs

Total Species Overall: 20

Top 5 Observers (Observation): @andybridges 34 obs, birdwhisperer 33 obs, @cgates326 15 obs, @asemerdj 6 obs and @datadan 5 obs

Top 5 Observers (Species): cgates326 9 species, birdwhisperer 8 species, andybridges 7 species, asemerdj 5 species and datadan 3 species

Species Still Not Observed: White-tailed Kite, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Northern Goshawk, Broad-winged Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Western Screech-Owl, Snowy Owl, Northern Hawk-Owl, Barred Owl, Spotted Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, Boreal Owl, Merlin, Gyrfalcon -- 15 species

Counties Needing Observations: WA -- Okanogan, Ferry, Benton, Columbia -- OR -- Wasco, Gilliam, Sherman, Morrow, Jefferson, Baker, Lake

News and What to Expect in August:
In the first month of this project, we've got 152 observations which if I have my math current, will make us cut really close to our stats from last year. I know we can do better, especially myself. In the coming days, we will see just about the same things as July but we should be able to get something like Merlin or Sharp-shinned Hawks.

Observation of the week goes to datadan for his photo of a male Swainson's Hawk in Malheur NWR. I can't help but love Swainson's Hawks and I've noticed that the state typically doesn't get these lighter individuals. A majority of these hawks are intermediate or dark morphs west of the Rockies, though I'm not sure why that it is. Anyway, you can see the photo here:


Observation of the month goes to @seymoregulls for photographing a Great Gray Owl besides a lake. These large owls can be found in a majority of open forests in Washington and Oregon. They typically perch high in pine trees whilst looking over green meadows and when they spot their prey, they pounced just like this owl right here:


Posted on Αύγουστος 05, 2021 0408 ΠΜ by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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