ILBBY October 2019 Update & Illinois Native Plant Society Get-together in Chicago


It's October 9th, flowers are just about winked out, and the Illinois Botanists Big Year's got:

3,247 observers (+1,468 since our last update)
43,981 research grade observations of plants (+18,100)
1,705 species (+381)
1,270 identifiers (+415)

The top 10 leaderboard, botanizers with the most research grade species of plants in Illinois in 2019 are:

  1. @dziomber — 896
  2. @wildlandblogger — 857
  3. @sanguinaria33 — 807
  4. @sedge — 679
  5. @elfaulkner — 651
  6. @johnhboldt — 599
  7. @skrentnyjeff — 571
  8. @kkucera — 478
  9. @bouteloua — 470
  10. @missgreen — 352

The 100 Club: Since our last update, a bunch more botanizers have made research grade observations of over 100 species of plants in Illinois this year: @maureenclare, @redadmiral98, @timfelinski0251, @eriko, @matt167, @jenhugstrees, @eattaway92, @plantdruid, @randyshonkwiler, @rin_nd, @k2018lena, @carolt-80, @joelmc, @ewarden, @ty-sharrow, @mn2010, @brendanrattin, @wildernessbarbie, @vvoelker, @rtriveline, and @rgraveolens! Whoo!

New to following the ILBBY project are @eriko, @esp, @jenhugstrees, @cleaarbogast, @jfaupel, @rlammann, @kennedy9094, @naturalist_zeb, and @taco2000. Welcome!

New to observing plants in Illinois on iNaturalist are @apncvisitor, @ilovestuff, @illinoiswildflowers, @sandijustad, @zach_skuby, @timmiller1, @tonyfleming, @treeguy1234, @alex1231, @ralph54, @samau, @paulfrederiksen, @pavoss64, @jannebrown, @goulet, @ebeobservations, @kerohling, @rarecatsnake, @kassiehenrikson, @biobirdnerd, @iacampoverde, @sivicek, @jessicahertel, @reyfoxx, @hernajos110, @naturelady23, @steinhauer, and @angeldelacruz2ndhour among many others. If you want to get Illinois Botanists Big Year updates, you can join the project here.

Plant Pic Picks

Don't forget to favorite observations to highlight good photos or cool finds!
In no particular order, some lovely plant pics by Illinois botanizers:

Lobelia siphilitica by @jwmoonflower in Coles County:

Pinky Monotropa uniflora by @kennedy9094 in Cook County:

This bouquet of Scirpus cyperinus by @wildlandblogger in Johnson County:

Chasmanthium latifolium by @illinoiswildflowers in Champaign County:

Ageratina altissima by @psweet in Lake County:

Elymus hystrix by @ralph54 in Kane County:

Help Identify

As always, please help your fellow botanists, when yr able, to identify/confirm their observations. Try sorting by "new users" or "random" to mix it up!

Species New to Illinois on iNat

Continue to keep an eye on these links below for any new documentations in 2019. I commented on a few new ones that folks like @wildlandblogger, @sedge, @vvoelker, @labaird, @plantdruid, and @lwalther have found since our last update. Great work!

And finally, coming up not this but next Friday:

Wink & Swillhelm at The Garage Bar

Friday, October 18th, 2019
starting at 6:30PM and going to 9:30PMish or whenever
at The Garage Bar & Sandwiches, 6154 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago (Norwood Park)

Come meet and hang with other local botany and ecology enthusiasts at The Garage Bar in northwest Chicago! We'll be in the room upstairs.

Facebook event for people who like that:

Pretty informal, come whenever and no need to RSVP nor to be a current INPS member.
Though you should join! :)

Hope to see you there!

Posted on Οκτώβριος 09, 2019 0938 ΜΜ by bouteloua bouteloua


i LOVE this app! I wish you could view the "Lists" that you make in the phone app and not just on the website.

Αναρτήθηκε από zeegee σχεδόν 5 χρόνια πριν

@goulet yeah there are so many features on the website that I wish were more easily accessible, or at least formatted well, for using on a phone!

Αναρτήθηκε από bouteloua σχεδόν 5 χρόνια πριν

wishing I could be there!!!

Αναρτήθηκε από sambiology σχεδόν 5 χρόνια πριν

@evan8 here's that link to "first for Illinois on iNat" observations:

Αναρτήθηκε από bouteloua σχεδόν 5 χρόνια πριν

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