A native arrival in the kikuyu margin!


A small spread of Hairy pennywort, endemic to NZ, was found in the edge of the previously sprayed-kikuyu margin at the top of CHF bank. There is probably more hidden under the kikuyu, to be explored later.

Part of the plant was dug up from loamy soil with a stick and transplanted to a more secure location under the first harakeke herbicide-sprayed kikuyu margin of the Arena, where it is hoped it will spread further, contributing to ground cover. It's tiny red-tinged leaves cling close to the ground so it is unlikely to attract disturbance.

This specimen may not survive, as it was crudely uplifted from dense clay and planted without soil preparation. However, it is not uncommon locally, and we will be looking for more.

We have also collected from a neighbourhood berm a small portion of Nahui (Alternanthera nahui) and layered it in potting mix with hopes of producing specimens suitable for planting in the kikuyu margins. It is a very hardy and vigorous plant once established.

We are also looking for identifiable, ie flowering, Microlaena stipoides, which is still seen occasionally in streetside hedges, though less frequently than a few years ago, probably due to herbicide use and, it appears, replacement by the invasive and increasingly common Veldt grass, observed in the same habitat.

Posted on Απρίλιος 14, 2019 0803 ΠΜ by kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


This specimen did not survive, or was lost in subsequent weed control operations. However, another speciman, again ID confirmed on iNaturalist.nz, has been collected wild from elsewhere in the Eskdale Forest/Kaipatiki Stream network and is being grown in a pot for transplantation in winter to Gahnia Grove's kikuyu margin.

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