Thanks for recording during the crosstown walk!

It's fun to see how many different species we saw during this field trip (with a strong emphasis on the wild rather than cultivated).

@johncarlson had his eyes on arthropods and it looks like @partspermillion and I were focused on plants. Looks like @kelseyderose joined that day (welcome!) and @isayhoomhom jumped in too. Awesome!

If you still have photos you haven't shared, you can always still upload them to iNaturalist and as long as the coordinates are correct they'll automatically be added to this project.

If anyone has a photo that would make a nice banner for the project, let me know!

Posted on Αύγουστος 14, 2018 0141 ΜΜ by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


In case you missed it, here's the project for all New Orleans observations during ESA:

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