Camera Trapping Adventures - April 14, 2021

Hello, Spring has finally arrived. Early migrant birds and bats are being observed throughout the area. Black bears, skunks, and woodchucks are awake after a long winter sleep. Now is the time to start venturing out into your backyards and looking for sign of animals. Scat is very detectable at this time of year because the vegetation has not grown over it. Animal trails are also very detectable as well for the same reason. Lots of sunlight hits the forest floor at this time of year and the air remains dry so it is a great time for camera trapping because your images will look really crisp! This is a great time of year for camera traps! Over the next several weeks the vegetation will be changing a lot! As long as the weather remains warm, the buds will be bursting, the grass will be growing, and the vegetation will change. Some of the vegetation will interfere with you cameras. So, now is a good time to examine the camera placement and keep an eye on it. One typical pattern to keep in the mind is that most of the tree buds will be fully open in mid-May. This will change the amount of light that penetrates through the tree canopy. Did I already tell you this is a great time of year for camera trapping! I have scheduled another meeting for Wednesday 14 April at 7:00 p.m. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Apr 14, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Posted on Απρίλιος 07, 2021 0826 ΜΜ by wmccresearch wmccresearch


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