
{{ t.preferredCommonName( ) || t.english_common_name || t.name }}

Starting to get traffic

At one of my sites a maple is blooming and it was crowded with Andena (Mining Bees), any day now we should start to see more activity.

Posted on Απρίλιος 24, 2022 1113 ΜΜ by neylon neylon | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

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This is a project looking at Bumble Bees in yards, community gardens, or other places that might be considered less than ideal habitat, in the area of Northern Illinois. This is a standardized survey and only open to members. If you would like to join the project, please message me @neylon

neylon αυτό το πρότζεκτ δημιουργήθηκε στις Μάρτιος 06, 2022
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