Journal: Thursday March 29, 2012 - Part 1

Location: I observed these plants from 3:19-3:20 pm on my observations. They came from a specific location on the University of Washington campus in Seattle. It was in a copse of Cedar, Fir, and Maple trees, home to a Great Blue Heron rookery. The copse of trees was behind the Fountain next to Bagley Hall.

Route: From Mary Gates Hall, I walked towards the Fountain facing Mt. Rainier. Then, I walked to the right around the Fountain with Bagley Hall on my right. Behind the Fountain was the copse of trees and a trail leading through it.

Weather: It was extremely rainy that day. The sky was dark and gray and it was slightly chilly. It seemed to be somewhere in the mid 40's.

Habitat: The copse of trees was lined with a cement pathway surrounded by bark chips. To the left of the entrance was a large bush with red flowers. To the right of the entrance was an even bigger bush with light pink flowers. Once entering the trail, to the left were some Douglass Fir trees. To the right were some Red Cedar trees. Farther down the path were some huge Maple trees. These were the home to a flock of nesting Great Blue Herons. Even further down the path, to the left was a large bush of Mahonis aquafolium.

General Comments: The path seemed well-traveled by UW byciclists and was very beautiful. Though on campus, it had the feel of being outdoors surrounded by natural wildlife. The herons were also an exceptional sight. The way they communicated with each other and interacted was especially fascinating.

Species List: Japanese Camellia (Camellia japonica)
Camellia (red flower)

Posted on Μάρτιος 31, 2012 0623 ΠΜ by velizo velizo


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