Helped Out a Fellow Naturalist, 09-10-21

In my email today, I got a follow up message from a gal named Lauren de Boer. She had written to me in March:

“I am currently taking the citizen naturalist certification course and decided to focus on oaks. I’ve run across you name many times in the course of my research. You are prolific! And the quality of your photography is impressive. There is one photo where you are holding two live oak leaves for comparison that would be very helpful for the pocket guide to oaks I am creating. Would it be possible to have permission to use the photo? Since the guide will be for print and online, I would need a hi res version.”

I gave her permission to use the photo -- and whatever other photos she’d like to use -- and today she says:

“Thank you again for the use of the photo of oak leaves. The Pocket Guide to Northern California Oaks is finished and has been printed. Now I’d like to send you copy in gratitude for your contribution.”

Cool! I’m looking forward to seeing it and I’m so happy that I was able to assist an other naturalist with their capstone project.

Posted on Σεπτέμβριος 10, 2021 0808 ΜΜ by simpylmare55 simpylmare55


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