Whew -- loads of new observations.... Thanks to those that ID!

So, spring has sprung, and the observations are a'coming in numbers... The trend will continue into April, and the city nature challenge is going to be bonkers with new observations!

Just this past week, in TX alone, there were 19,000 observations:

Lots of new observers too! It's a good thing overall, but some of the observations (particularly from the students being forced to make them) are a bit lacking...

Anyways, a shout out to all of the folks adding in ID's for others! Thank you big time. Just as an encouragement, know that when you add an ID to an observation, it welcomes the observer to the naturalist community. So, please, keep it up!

I've decided to focus a bit more at a region than at a particular taxon or group. Be sure to use the identify screen with a filter for the place -- you can filter by county or by general region (if there's a place created).
I usually use the "cross timbers and blackland prairies ecoregion" place:

Now that more and more observations are coming in, I'll narrow it down to the "DFW metroplex:"

Filter by county, filter by state, or filter by taxon -- each and every ID welcomes new observers! :)

Posted on Απρίλιος 01, 2019 0223 ΠΜ by sambiology sambiology


Great suggestions Sam! I subscribe to Bosque County observations since the population out here is smaller and a lot of observations(and observers) go unnoticed by the big city folk. :)

Αναρτήθηκε από bosqueaaron πάνω από 5 χρόνια πριν

I try to "help" the students; I just hope that I don't come across as critical to them. When I can, I try to link sources of help, too. I'm excited that teachers are teaching their students to use iNaturalist. I appreciate that they are required to get out in nature and explore, not just use technology to learn about nature. I wish I could walk beside them and show them what to photograph. (smiley face)

Αναρτήθηκε από suz πάνω από 5 χρόνια πριν

I think that's great @suz
That very thing has helped me to learn so much in these past 4 years since I've joined iNaturalsit.

Αναρτήθηκε από bosqueaaron περίπου 5 χρόνια πριν

It seems like the number of IDers is down this year. Or maybe the city folks are ignoring the country folks!

Αναρτήθηκε από pfau_tarleton περίπου 5 χρόνια πριν

I'm seeing tons of new users in my tiny field of interest, and nearly snowed under with spring observations!! I may have to narrow down to just the US for the summer. =)) See you soon!

Αναρτήθηκε από k8thegr8 περίπου 5 χρόνια πριν

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