Chaparral Niche

  1. Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) - I actually found this organism, as his name indicates, on a brick fence. This lizard probably enjoys chaparral because it is dry, open and often warmer than other habitats. Being open and free of most tall vegetation allows for rocks on the ground to get heated and provide a place for this reptile to warm its body. Also chaparral is a ecosystem that is full of insects and spiders that the western fence lizard can eat.
  2. Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) - I found this organism in a open area with only low scrub bushes around it. This is a good place for this flower to live because it only opens its flowers to get pollinated when the sun is out so it would not do well in a shady location.
  3. Jerusalem Cricket (Family Stenopelmatidae) - I found this organism in the middle of the path while walking on the fire trails behind Clark Kerr. It is known the live in a variety of climates but it doesn't like very hot weather which is why one reason why Berkeley is a good place for it to live.
  4. Yellow Flowering Plant (Genus Marah) - I found this organism is the chaparral area growing with other shorter plants. It can grow in lots of different conditions but requires seasonally moist soil which the Berkeley hills definitely have.
  5. Tree with small orange fruits (Kingdom Plantae) - This was one of the few tall trees I found in the chaparral area. I haven't been able to identify it yet but it is probably able to grow successfully here because there are hardly any other tall trees for it to compete with.
Posted on Φεβρουάριος 21, 2013 1032 ΜΜ by miriamm miriamm


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Φεβρουάριος 16, 2013 02:16 ΜΜ PST

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Φεβρουάριος 16, 2013 02:01 ΜΜ PST

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Φεβρουάριος 16, 2013 02:14 ΜΜ PST

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Φελλόχορτο (Lysimachia arvensis)




Φεβρουάριος 16, 2013 02:17 ΜΜ PST

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Φεβρουάριος 16, 2013 02:27 ΜΜ PST


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