Barryknoll Canyon- October 2016

Barryknoll Canyon is an open, north facing slope, with gently curving topography that allows portions of the slope to face northeast or northwest, receiving direct sunlight at some time of day. A graded, unpaved road begins at the end of development on Barryknoll Dr., and ends at residential Kinney St. about one mile west. This road is nearly level, but is slightly higher in elevation at Kinney St. than at Barryknoll Dr.

The vegetation is a mixture of native and non-native plants. Any of these plants could be occurring here on their own, or have been planted here by people.

The rocks are mostly sandstone, providing lose sandy soil. A few sandstone boulders, or possibly outcrops occur beside the road in several places.

This hillside attracts a variety of animal life, from insects to birds & mammals, of species native to California, and others non-native. The wide view of Los Angeles, Glassell Park, Glendale & Eagle Rock is one of the highlights of this area, and attracts humans to settle on it.

My observations are recorded in a circle with a 200 meter radius that includes both ends of the unpaved road, and developed residential streets above and below it.

Posted on Νοέμβριος 17, 2016 1210 ΠΜ by crayonsss crayonsss


Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Οκτώβριος 16, 2016


About 30 plants on hillsie that gets more morning & midday sun. Sprawling habit, about 1 foot high at most, evenly spaced by a couple of feet, little red-orange tubular flowers appear scattered evenly, glowing in backlighting.


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