Let's share the acknowledgement of the challenges pollinators face

Relying on distinct floral resources, habitats, and nesting sites for survival, many pollinators are ecological niche specialists. The preservation and restoration of diverse habitats, such as urban green spaces, forests, wetlands, meadows, and grasslands is necessary for the conservation of pollinators. Protecting pollinator habitat can ensure entire ecosystems, conserve native fauna and flora, and maintain life sustaining ecological processes.

Environmental changes such as habitat loss and altered temperature and precipitation pattern can impact pollinators. Pollinator populations face unprecedented challenges as climate changes escalate. These challenges include habitat fragmentation, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and altered timing and cyclical patterns of plant and animal development (phenology).

Posted on Μάιος 04, 2024 0302 ΜΜ by bobmcd bobmcd


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