Hike High, Watch Flowers

Bye bye mud season. June has arrived and with it so has the mountain hiking season! If you find yourself high in the alpine zones above treeline, even outside of Vermont, please consider joining the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK), Green Mountain Club (GMC), and Baxter State Park (BSP) in documenting flowering times of plants in Northeast alpine areas. Check out the Northeast Alpine Flower Watch project on iNaturalist at https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/northeast-alpine-flower-watch.

NE Alpine Flower Watch

By sharing photo-observations from your next hiking trip above treeline, you can contribute to ongoing phenology (timing of biological events) research. Your photos can become research-grade data that will help us discover, monitor and ultimately conserve these unique and treasured mountain ecosystems.

The target plant species for the Northeast Alpine Flower Watch are available in the project list. However, other alpine flora and fauna observations can also be submitted. Please become members of the project and opt to share your coordinates for obscured and private observations. This will protect rare species while allowing project researchers to access valuable data.

The more photos that are posted, the more we can capture the large variability that is inherent in mountain environments across space and time in the northeastern United States. This data will be merged with our ongoing plant phenology studies and used to discover long-term trends in mountain ecosystems.

For more information, check out the website at outdoors.org/FlowerWatch

Posted on Ιούνιος 04, 2019 0754 ΜΜ by kpmcfarland kpmcfarland


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