Observation of the Month!

Hello Everyone,

I'd like to introduce the "Observation of the Month" to the Quabbin Mammals project! Previously, we tried doing an "Observation of the Week," but due to a decrease in observations during the winter when many mammals are hibernating or seeking shelter, we decided it would be better to switch to a monthly basis. This way, we'll have more observations to choose from and can highlight the best of the best.

It's been a very exciting spring for wildlife, and I'd like to backtrack and highlight some of the best observations from February to May!

Observation of the Month:

February 2024 - @jamesdt's observation of a North American Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) on February 6th features a young porcupine in a tree! The photo is incredible and highlights the porcupine's behavior of climbing trees to sleep and bask in the early morning and evening sunlight. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/198643585

March 2024 - @zogspot's observation of an American Beaver (Castor canadensis) skull on March 1st! This observation is particularly interesting because it highlights the contrast between the beaver's bright orange teeth and the neighboring bones. Beavers' teeth are rich in iron, which protects them from wear and tear while they chew trees. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/200960211

April 2024 - @cbuelow45's observation of a mother Eastern Moose (Alces alces americana) with her yearling calf on April 9th! In March and April, moose move out of their wintering grounds in search of new growth to feed on. Many appear scraggly as they shed their winter coats, and you may notice white patches where winter ticks have fed. Moose have much recovering to do during the spring; they are such resilient animals! https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/206333037

May 2024 - @carefortheplanet's beautiful observation of an American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) on May 11th! Black bears are bulking up this time of year after losing, on average, 20% of their body weight. This is likely either a male born in early 2023 or a young female. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/215616870

I will be posting the "Observation of the Month" for June during the first week of July! Congratulations to everyone mentioned!


Posted on Ιούνιος 18, 2024 0235 ΜΜ by bmaher222 bmaher222


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