Mammals of the Quabbin Updates (8/9/24)

Hi everyone,

I hope you've been having a great summer! Activity at the Quabbin should be picking up in the next month as the weather cools down! Get out there and see what you can find!

If anyone has any taxa updates they'd like to share with me, feel free! I can send requests out for taxon splits. I also know that some of our members have the ability to do that as curators.

Thank you to everyone for continuing to contribute to the project. Please share it with people you know so we can continue to grow!

The new cover photo for the project was taken by Michael Stapert, an incredible wildlife photographer based in Massachusetts! See his full portfolio at


Posted on Αύγουστος 09, 2024 1157 ΜΜ by bmaher222 bmaher222


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