Dec 23, 2020 - South Side

(Wednesday) 9:20-12:40 pm: 34 dead newts found, no live newts
The weather was cold (about 8C), cold wind in the shade. No rain in a while. Rainfall: Rain MTD 1.85 in, YTD 2.78 in per
I documented 34 dead newts, 8 of them juveniles. They were all very dry.
Other roadkills: one small arboreal salamander, many Jerusalem Crickets and centipedes, a beetle, caterpillars, and the famous skunk.
Coverage: south part - from Aldercroft Heights Rd to the first stop sign. I forgot how different this part is - it was very quiet, most of the time I didn't see anyone or any cars. I did see about 5 cars racing on the road at some point. I met a couple that was cleaning the road, which would explain why it was so clean. They live nearby, and have been cleaning the road for a long time.
Traffic: 1 truck, 41 cars (including SJJJ and Midpen), 16 bikes, 9 pedestrians, and 2 cars parked by the road.
I saw the HTH team on their way to array #6.

Posted on Δεκέμβριος 24, 2020 0653 ΜΜ by merav merav


@merav, that's interesting about the couple cleaning the road. We're they just removing trash? Any chance they've removed newts & other roadkill?

Αναρτήθηκε από truthseqr σχεδόν 4 χρόνια πριν

I don't think so. They walk by the road and pick up trash. They have county parks volunteer status, so they coordinate with county parks to pick up the trash bags. I think the newts are too small to be noticed. If you don't know what you're looking for, they just look like leaves. And there's enough trash to keep them busy...

Αναρτήθηκε από merav σχεδόν 4 χρόνια πριν

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