Violet T.

Έγινε μέλος στις: Σεπ 24, 2021 Τελευταία δραστηριότητα στις: Αυγ 01, 2022 iNaturalist

NOTE: I am currently inactive on iNat. Please, don't message or tag me, I won't be responding. My parents have decided I do too much iNat and I'm not interacting with the family enough, and they are totally right.

Hi! I'm Violet, a young nature lover and artist currently living in Indiana, though I've lived and been all over the U.S. Birds are my favorite--I never get tired of watching my feeders and walking the woods to see what new birds I can find. However, I am enthusiastic about everything that crawls, flies, jumps, runs, grows, or swims. I like to give IDs on other observations, but if any of my ids are wrong, please feel free to correct me as I am just an enthusiast and not an expert. I won't be offended.
When I'm not trekking the great outdoors with my mom's camera and ID'ing (or trying to ID) everything I see, I can usually be found reading, writing, drawing, doodling, baking, or hanging out with my four sisters and three brothers.
I am a devoted Catholic (and Catholic is always Christian!), and I believe everything that can be found in nature was expressly created for us to enjoy by God. Everything in the great outdoors speaks to us of a great and infinitely powerful Creator!

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind." - Job 12:7-10

You can also find me on eBird at
Something of interest: there is no False Turkey-tail (Stereum ostrea) in North America. None. It's all Stereum lobatum, Stereum fasciatum, Stereum subtomentosum, or other species of fungi. I know there are a lot of observations of it but it is all misidentified. Stereum ostrea is found in Indonesia. Feel free to ping me with any observation you think I can help with! No guarantees but I'll certainly try!

Helpful links for myself:
Identify Unknowns
Identify Genus Stereum Needs ID and RG
Identify Birds
Identify in my County
ID in New England
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