Ιανουάριος 12, 2024

Associated Wood Species of Panellus stipiticus (Luminescent Panellus)

Decided to do a survey of the kinds of wood one of my favorite mushrooms today.

iNaturalist is great in some ways and not in others. Even as I type this I want to add a couple of my pics of this species and yet, in order to do so I must scroll through thousands of my pics because there is no search button here.

I say this because I have attempted to do this in projects. The big stopping block is that there is no way to add associated species to a project, nor does there seem to be a way to add multiple tags or descriptions to a search. Thus, the only way I can see how to do this are following compilations of links.

My goal here is to see what woods Panellus most often appears on. I will also indicate at the end what speicies it did not appear on (ie Buckthorn).

My method for finding the observation is to first search by common name (ie Maple) then by species name (ie Acer). If I use both common name and species I am able to then determine the observations that overlap.

Here is what I found thus far:

50 Total Observations

71 Total Observations

165 Total Observations

12 Total Observations
none for salix

6 Total Observations

60 Total Observations

5 Total Observations

14 Total Observations

Species with No Observations

And I am stopping because I just realized that one observation under cedar looked like it was on a poplar and it turned out the description said on the Cedar Trail...

Oh well, back to this...

Posted on Ιανουάριος 12, 2024 0720 ΜΜ by matt227 matt227 | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Δεκέμβριος 25, 2023

Lily Lake Singing on Xmas Eve Day

Sometimes I wish iNaturalist had a phenomena page. Today I went out to Lily Lake County Park and heard the lake actually sing.

Here is the link if you want to hear it yourself

You may want to turn up the volume. The sound is like a bubbly chirping in the background.

The day's high was 50 degrees and the south end of the lake had a shelf of ice about a third of the way across. Melting spots formed and released bubbles. In addition, small wave action was abutting the shelf was forcing air under the ice shelf. So millions of bubbles are moving under the ice and finding their way up to the surface in through cracks in the melting spots.

Being there it sounded like the lake was sizzling. It was very detectable and using deer ears I could hear that the sound was loudest directly from the ice shelf.

This video also can be used if you need 5 minutes of quiet meditation, and perhaps for white noise for sleep just put it on loop.

Watch for the end of the video as it ends with Winterberry Red, perfect for the holidays.

Merry Xmas Eve

Posted on Δεκέμβριος 25, 2023 0234 ΠΜ by matt227 matt227 | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Σεπτέμβριος 26, 2023

My favorite fungus - Tyromyces chiones


I site Dylan's pic because it is a perfect find of my favorite mushroom Tyromyces chiones.

This innocuous and often overlooked shelf fungus is soft and and spongy, with white pores beneath. Its color varies from bright white when fresh to dull yellow when dry. When fresh it exudes a watery juice when squeezed.

I often see this kind of example, on birch wood sticks, 1-3 inches in diameter. The fresh specimen smells like pink cherries. It is a pleasant almost powdery fragrance.

When broken the stick smells of cinnamon and the wood is yellow inside.

I have smelled these fresher specimens from 10 feet away. The fragrance of either the pink cherries or cinnamon has hit me when I'm hiking or bicycling. I figure out where the wind is coming from in that spot and head upwind. Within about 10 feet I find a stick or a downed branch and enjoy the smells both from the fungus and the inner wood. If the branch is short enough I can smell it on one end or the other.

It also strikes me odd that I have not seen mention in guide books or online of the cinnamon scent of the wood. The fungus itself is often mentioned as having a pleasant scent.

Still it is a find. When I have lead groups or been with a friend and broken open the stick and passed it around everyone smiles and finds the smell of cinnamon enchanting. And often they enjoy how nice the fungus smells but just can't place what it smells like. But it's nice, it's pleasant.

Posted on Σεπτέμβριος 26, 2023 1203 ΠΜ by matt227 matt227 | 3σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούνιος 24, 2023

Eastern parson spider ID on iNat

I started going through identification of one of my favorite species that comes into my home on a regular basis, Eastern Parson Spider. I usually call this spider the harbinger of spring because it often shows up in my home around the Spring Equinox.

Though the 74 pages of needs ID seemed daunting, what I found most interesting was what was most often misidentified. The most common misidentification were members of the Brush legged spiders (Schizocosa) each new page seemed to have at least one and it was immediately obvious because the background was either sand or forest floor, whereas parson spider backgrounds were often walls, carpets, glass and plastic containers and in one case a cardboard tube.

Other misidentifications included other gnaphosids, dwarf spiders, immature fishing spiders, wolf spiders, sac spiders and ant mimics.

Also thanks to @jgw_atx for helping me remember Schizocosa.

Posted on Ιούνιος 24, 2023 0229 ΜΜ by matt227 matt227 | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Οκτώβριος 11, 2021

mushroom garden most recent update

After a couple of days of humidity and series of autumn rains the mushroom garden in my backyard has expanded. Huzzah! Over 30 species spotted in what amounts to an elongated pile of collected sticks and logs.

Some highlights include:

an unidentified fungus on buckthorn berries

glowing Panellus

2 kinds of witches butter

and a new kind of slime mold Badhamia utricularis


Posted on Οκτώβριος 11, 2021 1125 ΜΜ by matt227 matt227 | 1 παρατήρηση | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Ιούλιος 07, 2020


I am trying to make a mushroom garden in my yard. Not for edibility but more like a wildflower garden. I bring sticks and logs to a shaded wet area of my yard and periodically water it like I would a vegetable garden. My goal is to see what species transfer and to watch them in their different forms and see if they spread and transfer. So far it is mainly made up of crusts, turkey tails, slime molds, jellies and other annual mushrooms.

I am using the tag mushroomgarden to identify the species I have in my mushroom garden.

Posted on Ιούλιος 07, 2020 1221 ΠΜ by matt227 matt227 | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο