26 July/18
There have been Belted kingfishers nesting around a spot near the St. Vital bridge for five or six years now, and I've been searching for them most of the summer after hearing from a person that they had been seen. Today a pair of them flew west along the river, and hunted low over a spot where I usually enter the park. Managed to get a couple of shots of them. Saw one splash into the river, but don't know if it caught anything. They were near the north bank (at that point), and kept moving in and out of visibility. So either it is the same pair that have been here for a while, or one of their offspring which has returned. I had to leave to give the dog some 'rectal assistance' - why do dogs insist on eating grass that they cannot pass properly?
It's been interesting this summer. The wood ducks, which were evident in their usual area in the spring, seemed to vanish, but I saw a female in the area about a week ago. The blue jays seem to have returned, though I still haven't been able to get a shot of them. Same with the Robins - they are around, but I still have not seen one that I could take a photo of. And apart from squirrels, have not seen much evidence of mammals along the river bottom. Even a dead squirrel from earlier in the spring has remained in the same place, just eaten by insects and decaying. Even the dog doesn't seem interested in it.