Well, the robins are back - I haven't seen them yet, but their tuneless pre dawn whistling is unmistakable. Juncos have also been here for about a week. They are generally the first of the migratory songbirds to come through. They are really difficult to photograph. They don't sit still long, and don't like being approached.
A couple of days ago, while at the Parker wetlands, saw another owl being mobbed by crows. I was attracted by the abnormal number of cries, and tracked the group down. I tried to get a decent shot of the owl, but it wasn't sitting still, so moved around. Interestingly, I saw a crow go down to the owl and attack it (which is basically when it moved!). I tracked the group down, and managed to get this shot of the owl as it fled the onslaught of the crows.
That same day, I heard what seemed to be some strange ducks that turned out to be frogs calling (along with the spring peepers). I tried to sneak up on them through the water, and then my dog came charging in to see what I was up to. Memo to self - leave dog at home when trying to photograph frogs!