Αύγουστος 16, 2018

ALMOST to the 10,000 observations milestone!

Get outside! The State Parks NatureFinder Project is very close to reaching 2,000 unique species observations and 10,000 total observations observed in Colorado State Parks! Grab a friend, or head out to a Park and make a friend, and let’s try to reach those milestones! Just a few helpful hints and reminders to help on your explorations:

Be safe! Don’t get to close to wildlife and be aware of wildlife, plants, or fungi that might bite, sting, or be poisonous. Use binoculars or a spotting scope to get a better view of larger wildlife and birds that might get startled and leave if you get too close. Wear appropriate shoes and clothes and don’t forget that hat, sunscreen, and water bottle!

Have fun! Look for a new species you don’t recognize and try to identify it using the iNaturalist app. And remember, if you cannot identify something, it is still worth posting to the group and other naturalists can help you identify your find!

Tips for good photos: When photographing plants, take pictures of leaves, stems or trunks, and any fruits or flowers to help you identify the correct species. Use your hand or a shoe for size reference and placing your hand behind the leaf, flower, or fruit can help focus the photograph better. When you spot an animal, take a picture from a distance and as you slowly move closer continue to take photos with greater detail. This will allow you to at least get a photo(s) in case the animal leaves and also capture the habitat you spotted the animal in!

Thank you to all our veteran naturalists and welcome to our newest members! We really would not be able to capture all data we use for population and park management without your help. Keep up the amazing work and have fun in our State Parks!

-Resource Stewardship Team
Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Posted on Αύγουστος 16, 2018 0145 ΜΜ by coparksandwildlife coparksandwildlife | 0σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο

Μάρτιος 13, 2018

Denver Metro Area City Nature Challenge!

Hi everyone!

Congratulations! You’re tagged in this post because you’re among the top iNaturalist users around the Denver Metropolitan Area!

We want to make sure that you, of all people, know that City Nature Challenge has come to Denver! If you’re not familiar with it, the City Nature Challenge (CNC) is an ongoing project to document urban biodiversity and engage city residents in the nature around them. The project is conducted as a bioblitz-style competition between cities to see which can make the most observations, identify the most species, and have the most participants. The program was started in 2016 by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles and the California Academy of Sciences as a competition between Los Angeles and San Francisco. This year over 60 cities on 5 continents are participating in the City Nature Challenge!

As I mentioned before, you are our local iNat Power Users, and we need your help in order for Denver to win! The Denver Metropolitan Area encompasses Adams, Arapahoe, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties, so anywhere within their boundaries is fair game. You can visit our Project to see a map and get additional information. While one of our main goals is to get as many people as possible engaged in the nature around them, we also know that it’s the top Observers and Identifiers like you who have the experience to collect or identify the most observations and notice what others might miss.

The timeframe of the competition is listed below:
April 27-30: This is the time to make observations! Any observations collected within the Project boundary between 12:00am April 27 and 11:59pm April 30 will be included.
May 1-3: Upload any remaining observations from April 27-30 and start identifying everything! We can only count observation that are identified to the species level, so this is really important!
May 4: Results are announced! There will be winners for most observations, most species, and most participants.

We would love for you to help in any way that you can! Whether it’s going outside and collecting observations, sitting on you couch making IDs, or just telling your friends about CNC, it all helps! If you, your organization, or your club want to get even more involved by planning events, helping with promotion, or any other project coordination contact Matt Schulz (matt.schulz@state.co.us). Thanks in advance for all your help, and may the best city (Denver) win!

Feel free to comment and tag others you want to share this with!

@alison_kondler @calebcam @j_thompson @larry522 @dchernack @blazeclaw @krosenthal @elishasrubin @damontighe @mlodinow @laurahabel @lfelliott @rwinick @thedude @samaths576 @a_gaudet @forester93 @gewb @doug_grinbergs @macrolorado @andrewdubois @skrentnyjeff @datnatureguy @rangerpre @steffen1329 @chris-canipe @sterlingnorthjr @bug_eric @julie8 @rowz @mcsulliva @chickadee_mountain @ceuthophilus

Posted on Μάρτιος 13, 2018 0220 ΜΜ by coparksandwildlife coparksandwildlife | 11σχόλια | Αφήστε ένα σχόλιο
