The identity of the Quercus douglasii in the California Sierra Nevada Range is problematic as it is blue but has a leaf morphology notably different from what I consider typical. The descriptions of the hybrid Q. X eplingii have not been found in the regional floras. I did find a image copy of the original type description and here post it for observers interested in having the resource.
Cornelius H. Muller, Further Studies in Southwestern Oaks, 1938, The American Midland Naturalist, 19: 585, p. 585
"Quercus X eplingi hybr. nov.
(=Q. garryana Douglas x Q. douglasii Hooker & Arnott.)
Twigs slender (2-3mm.), sparsely stellate-hairy, reddish-brown with prominent lenticels. Leaves deciduous, ovate, 3-5 x 5-8 cm., obtuse above and below or attenuate below, margins rather deeply incised forming 3-4 rounded or mucronately tipped rounded lobes on each side, sinuses usually narrower then lobes, upper surface dark bluish-green, sparsely stellate-hairy, lower surface light green, densely stellate-hairy; petioles 5-8 mm. long, stellate-hairy. Cups resembling those of Q. garryana.
Ramuli 2-3 mm. crassi sparse stellati; folia decidua ovata 3-5 x 5-8 cm. utroque extremo obtusa vel basi attenuata margine profunde incisa lobis utrinsecus 3-4 mucronato-rotundis, supra obscure glauco-viridia sparse stestellata, subtus lucida dense stellata; petioli 5-8 mm. longi stellati; cupula ut in Q. garryana."
("Branches 2-3 mm. thick, sparsely stellate; ovate deciduous leaves 3-5 x 5-8 cm. obtuse at each end or at the base attenuated with a deeply incised margin on either side 3-4 mucronate-round lobes, dark gray-green sparsely stellate above, shiny densely stellate below; petiole 5-8 mm. long stars; cupula as in Q. garryana." Latin translation by Google Translate)
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