About 2 feet long slim, a small bronzeback was sighting nearby an open gym at the spot.. but I can't say the right name which bronzeback is it... This is my sighting...
Whip Snake - possibly a Malayan Whipsnake (Ahaetulla mycterizans) and likely a member of the Asian Longnose Whipsnakes (Genus Ahaetulla); Perhentian Islands, Malaysia
snake moult
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/3206466813/
Seen on a muddy road, not very long about 40 to 50 cm. slender.
Seemed to not like the muddy road surface and when trying to move seemed to move slowly despite slithering hectically, Eventually shepherded off the road to grassy sides where it quickly disappeared into undergrowth
Spotted by @babloo_farswan , while we are out on a night walk
Babloo's observations is here https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/242725027