Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Σεπτέμβριος 25, 2023 01:20 ΜΜ PDT


Large, densely cespitose groups in planter with tomatoes and rosemary, appearing after tropical storm. Downy/fuzzy universal veil tissue dense on cap, extending down the stipe, also present on annulus which is weak and falls away easily. Veil tissue very soft to touch, becoming sleek on cap with desiccation. Stipe bases enmeshed in stringy mat of plant roots (both rosemary and tomato.) Strong fungal smell, rotting fruitbodies were attracting flies. Very mild taste, almost flavorless. No UV fluorescence. Even the fresher fruitbodies are weak and floppy, falling over easily without plant/planter wall/other fruitbodies to lean on. Rotten fruitbodies very strong smell, turning black/brown.

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Αύγουστος 12, 2021 04:59 ΜΜ PDT


Gondola Foray. On dead Fir decayed wood. At least 30 within 10m X 30m area. Nearby many Laccaria sp. CAP W 54mm, Over top 67mm, 10-15mm thick. OVERALL height to 10.5cm. STIPE to 7.5cm X 19mm max width, 14mm min width. Stuffed; scabrous with singular partial veil forming friable, partially adhered ring on stipe. GILLS 3 series, slightly decurrent. ATTACHMENT securely into dead, decayed wood. Copious white mycellium 2cm deep into wood. SPORES purplish-brown deposit on veil. STAIN/bruise NO. ODOR Bitter and sharp. TASTE sweet, umami.

Φωτογραφίες / ήχοι




Νοέμβριος 17, 2021 04:18 ΜΜ EST